robert vore

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but -> and

Originally posted on Instagram.

How we think about ourselves in day-to-day moments matters.

I had a supervisor who always asked “what’s the smallest step you can take?”, and I’ve stolen it because it’s such a good concept. Small steps are sustainable, they’re how you get to big life change.

Thinking about yourself differently can start with something as simple as grammar. Try this: start replacing the word ‘but’ with the word ‘and.’

“I’m a good mom, b̶u̶t̶ and I get frustrated with my kids.”
“I’m trying hard at school, b̶u̶t̶ and I did poorly on that test.”
“I’m a pretty good writer, b̶u̶t̶ and I still have lots to learn.”

Replacing ‘but’ (which invalidates the first half of the sentence) with ‘and’ (which doesn’t) allows us to acknowledge that both things are true. It’s a simple change, but it shifts our view & lets us hold the tension of trying hard, b̶u̶t̶ and not being perfect.

We’re all in process, we all deserve grace. It starts with yourself.