The Powerful Gift of My Weakest Moments

It's an honor to have a guest post up today at Grace is Messy on Patheos's Progressive Christian channel. Grace is Messy is a blog by Steve Austin, who I've come to respect greatly as a friend and writer on matters of faith and mental health.

The moments where it’s harder to pick myself up, when I’m fighting the hardest against the lies of my head, these moments are usually followed by moments when I feel like what I’m writing is worthwhile. In my hardest times, I know what I need to hear. And if I truly believe that you’re not alone in your struggles, then I must believe it for myself as well. This means that the things I need to hear are probably things that someone else needs to hear too.

Maybe in my weakest moments, I’m the most useful for God because I know I can’t do it.

Read 'The Powerful Gift of my Weakest Moments' now!